Archive for the ‘Death is a central theme’ Category

Some helpful thoughts about Bridge to Terabithia

Friday, February 23rd, 2007

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My 12 year old just gags every time she sees a commercial for this movie. 

She really hates books in which majorly bad things happen \”suddenly\” to one or more protagonists.   Mr. McCabe, her 5-6th grade teacher, sent this link to me:  He was the one who \”made\” her read the book.  (Which I STILL have not read.  Think dear daughter and I share a genetic link?)

Book review: Wintersmith

Thursday, February 8th, 2007

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Author:Terry Pratchett
Reading Level (Conceptual):Children 8 and up
Reading Level (Vocabulary):Children 8 and up
Year of publication:2006

Sometimes a precocious person uses her gifts in a way that have dire consequences. Whether or not the harm was intentional, that person should take responsibility for the problems she creates and try to resolve them.

Early in this tale, Tiffany Aching, a very mature and gifted if reluctant witch, makes the awful mistake of arousing the romantic attention of the Wintersmith (God of Winter), and nearly simultaneously but through no fault of her own, loses her teacher and home.

Wintersmith is the story of how Tiffany:
  • Rectifies (with the "help" of her silly blue friends the Nac Mac Feegle and her not-quite-as-silly boy?friend, Roland) the wrong she's done,
  • Learns to fit back into her home, and
  • Comes to appreciate, understand, and learn from other mentors.

Wintersmith is the third installment in the story of Tiffany Aching.

My daughter and I also enjoyed reading the previous books in the series:

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Book review: The Dawn Palace

Monday, February 5th, 2007

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Author:H. M. Hoover
Reading Level (Conceptual):Children 12 and up
Reading Level (Vocabulary):Children 12 and up
Year of publication:1988

De-mythologization (probably not a word, huh?) of the story of Medea, including the story of Jason and the Golden Fleece, from Medea's point of view.

As in The King Must Die (the story of Theseus and the Minotaur), , in this story too, the ways of the patriarchal Greeks mostly triumph over the matriarchal societies that share their waters.

Another theme is the unfortunate tendency of those who lack knowledge in science and healing to assume that those, especially women, who master those arts, are witches (evil).

Despite its sympathetic portrayal of Media, in this account, as in the original, Medea's overwhelming love of Jason very badly clouds her judgment and causes her to act murderously.


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Book review: The King Must Die

Friday, February 2nd, 2007

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Author:Mary Renault
Reading Level (Conceptual):Children 12 and up
Reading Level (Vocabulary):Children 12 and up
Year of publication:1958

De-mythologization (probably not a word, huh) of the story of Theseus and the Minotaur.

In this version, Theseus expresses his wonder at the radically different ways of life in the patriarchal Greek world in which he grew up and the matriarchal Minoan lands he comes to rule.

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Book review: A Wizard Abroad

Tuesday, January 2nd, 2007

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Author:Diane Duane
Reading Level (Conceptual):Children 12 and up
Reading Level (Vocabulary):Children 8 and up

Fourteen year-old wizard Nita's parents are worried about her "relationship" with her wizarding partner (a boy), so they ship her off to Ireland, where she gets into much more harrowing situations (and a romantic one as well) than those she might have experienced if she'd just stayed put in the USA.

My daughter and I loved the way the tiny Bard Cat interacts with her less gifted human allies. The seeming contradiction between the way wizards look -- ordinary -- and what they have to do -- extraordinary -- might be heartening to a child who feels that his or her specialness is not reflected in appearance or circumstances. And, the cameo appearances by Celtic mythological beings are fun.

The discussions of Nita's romantic thoughts (nothing graphic, but probably not of great interest to younger children) and the responsibilities that go along with great power, and the excitement, mayhem, and death that inextricably mix with battle might make this book appealing to adolescent readers, rather than to younger readers.

My 12 year-old and I enjoyed reading this not very challenging, but plot-intensive story. We did feel that we might have liked it even more if we'd at least read the first book in this series first.

One of my cynical thoughts on reading this book was that Duane almost certainly was able to deduct a summer's vacation or maybe even a home in Ireland and use this book to prove that it was business-related. Must be nice to be a successful author.

-- Emily Berk

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Book review: Witch Week

Monday, December 18th, 2006

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Author:Diana Wynne Jones
Reading Level (Conceptual):Children 8 and up
Reading Level (Vocabulary):Children 8 and up
Year of publication:2001

Many of the stories in Wynne Jone's Chrestomanci series explore the problems of gifted children who are made to feel inferior or taken advantage of because they are special. This happens to the protagonists of The Lives of Christopher Chant and Charmed Life, for example.

But in the society evoked in Witch Week, anyone identified as a witch is burned at the stake. Which puts the students at the Larwood House School, all of whom are orphaned because of a family connection to witchcraft, in a desperate position. Many of them know they are witches. And although it's exhiliarating to know that one has great power, they know from experience that the penalty for getting caught, or worse, being turned in by one's peers, is death by fire.

Spoilers below...

If my daughter and I had not already read several of the earlier Chrestomanci books, I don't know that we'd have enjoyed this Lord of the Flies meets The Fountainhead for the younger set as much as we did.

When Chrestomanci, he of the perfectly-creased gray suit and impeccable hair, finally makes his appearance, our horror and dread turned to giggles, even while the poor, witchy students retained their mortal fear for quite a few more pages.

But then, once again, there's that ending. In this case, the remedy is to make the gifted students accept that they need to make themselves just slightly less gifted, at witchcraft at least. So they do. Kind of like the protagonist in the movie, Pi, albeit not quite as bloody. Sigh. I'd vote for The Fountainhead instead, but that is more difficult to read.
Similar books

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Book review: The Sea of Trolls

Monday, December 18th, 2006

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Author:Nancy Farmer
Reading Level (Conceptual):Children 12 and up
Reading Level (Vocabulary):Children 8 and up
Year of publication:2004

Nearly-Christian, Saxon apprentice-wizard boy is abducted by Vikings and learns that even Berserkers (who live to create mayhem) are human and that ancient gods are to be respected and, often, feared, even if one does not worship them.

Nancy Farmer's fairy tale about the intersection of the ancient Norse and Celtic gods with Christianizing Norse folk is awe-inspiring. Unlike the characters that populate other similar stories, Farmer manages to make her characters both archetypal and idiosyncratic.

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Book review: Galileo’s Daughter

Saturday, October 14th, 2006

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Author:Dava Sobel
Reading Level (Conceptual):Children 12 and up
Reading Level (Vocabulary):Children 12 and up
Year of publication:1999

The story of Galileo's daughter, Sister Maria Celeste, is mostly peripheral to the story of Galileo himself, in this non-fictional biography. Along with interesting details about what life was like for the illegitimate daughter of a famous scientist in the late 16th century, the book also concentrates on the Catholic Church's determined and successful attempt to get Galileo to renounce his conclusion that the earth revolves around the sun and not vice versa.

Reading about the Inquisition which forced Galileo to choose between his deep faith and what he knew to be scientific fact, I was reminded of the later, fictional, 1984 and Darkness At Noon, and the non-fictional Reading Lolita in Tehran and the recent efforts in the United States to ban the teaching of evolution. What is it about power that drives people in authority to force scientists to renounce what they know for what the powers-that-be think they should profess?

In Galileo's case, it seems to me, many of those who reviewed his writings understood that Galileo was correct. And yet, what was required was Obedience rather than Truth.

Why does this happen? Is it, as Ayn Rand seems to think, because those lacking in intellectual gifts resent those who are more intelligent than they are? Or, can it be that theologists and ideologists truly believe that what they believe is not only true, but also that anyone who disagrees must be destroyed?

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Movie review: An Inconvenient Truth

Sunday, October 8th, 2006

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Inspired by the thought that \”People of most faith traditions are called to love one another and to be responsible stewards of God’s creation. … Global warming is not a political issue; it is a moral issue.\”, a local church group has blitzed our community with multiple showings of Al Gore’s An Inconvenient Truth. They presented it on several school days right after school at a church just down the block from the middle school, and on several nights as well. They made An Inconvenient Truth convenient to get to at least.

And yet, as someone who is capable of transitioning from \”denial to depression\” (as Al Gore calls it) in hyperspeed, I was reluctant to go. After all, if I was ever in denial about global warming, I can’t recall it. But as just one person in a pretty overwhelming world, I am (still) not certain what I can/should do.

But just look at this invitation:

Students, parents and teachers are especially invited to attend. We need to give our kids the training they will need to deal with the broken earth we are leaving them. \”Imagine we are 17 years into the future and share a brief conversation with our children and grandchildren as they are living their lives in the year 2023. Imagine now that they are asking us: ‘What were you thinking? Didn’t you care about our future? Were you really so self-absorbed that you couldn’t – or wouldn’t—stop the destruction of Earth’s environment?’ What would our answer be? We can answer their questions now by our actions, not merely with our promises. In the process, we can choose a future for which our children will thank us.\” An Inconvenient Truth, Al Gore, 2006.

How could I not go, and how could I not take my 11 year old daughter?

Well, my daughter was not enthusiastic. It’s going to be DEPRESSING, her friend told her. And I thought that might be true.

But it wasn’t. Al Gore narrates the film and he speaks from his experience. The anecdote he started with totally captivated my daughter. Gore shows a flat map of the earth, with South America and Africa in the center. And describes how when he was in grade school, a classmate commented that those two continents looked like puzzle pieces, as if they once fit together. The professor responded that this was a stupid idea. The continents are too large to have ever moved. And that student went on to become a ne’er-do-well and drug addict, and the professor went on to a high-ranking position in setting environmental policy in our current administration.

My husband could not attend — he is buried in the proofs of his upcoming book. And when we returned home, dear daughter was just plain exhausted (we went to the last, evening performance). And he said to her, \”Al Gore has the reputation of being a wooden speaker; what did you think of the movie?\” Dear daughter replied, \”I thought he was wonderful. I thought the movie was wonderful. I was afraid that the movie would be too depressing. But he presented the facts so clearly. And at the end, he does provide a long list of actions we can take. I want to do all of them, and when I’m older, I want to vote for people who won’t lie to us about climate change.\”

Yes, we did learn about the very depressing plight of the polar bear. And, yes, it is amazing how many glaciers and permafrost have already been lost and are continuing to be lost. And those in our government are still actively engaged in deceiving us about the science and scope of this impending disaster. And yet, it is still possible that we can slow these changes and possibly reverse them. If we try.

I’m thinking that maybe this Christmas, all anyone gets is a CD of An Inconvenient Truth.

Please make sure you and your children see this movie. We need great minds, in addition to Al Gore’s, to get involved with this.

Book review: Freak the Mighty

Saturday, September 16th, 2006

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Author:Rodman Philbrick
Reading Level (Conceptual):Children 8 and up
Reading Level (Vocabulary):Children 8 and up
Year of publication:1993

When I was young and feeling lonely, isolated, ridiculed by my fellow students, my father, one of those hugely gifted people who thrives with little interaction with other people because he is constantly obsessed by projects of his own, would suggest that I reach out to "other lonely children" and make friends with them. I never really found that forging alliances with other "outcasts" made me feel better when those in the "In Group" made fun of my clothes, hair, etc. Freak the Mighty is one of those novels in which the alliance of the weak prevails.

And, Sad Ending Alert. The foreshadowing is quite subtle, so it might come as a shock to young readers.

In Freak the Mighty, the physically imposing narrator is living with his grandparents who fear that he has inherited the evil nature of his father, who is in prison. The narrator befriends an intellectually gifted but physically frail neighbor. By combining their gifts, they can travel far and not get lost; they can find proper placement in the school's advanced classes. And together, they triumph over bullies adolescent and grown, the narrator's learning disability is diagnosed, and he learns to appreciate dictionaries, reading, and learning.

As with Hoot, the plot is involving, but, as with Hoot, I felt as if the novel's promise that adults and peers will eventually come to their senses and recognize/honor the child's worth and Do the Right Thing(s) may not jibe with how the world usually works. (For example, even if their test scores don't reflect it, let them participate in the gifted program even though that might "not be fair" to other students.)

-- Emily Berk

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