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Skin Hunger (A Resurrection of Magic, Book 1): Reviewed

Author:Kathleen Duey
Reading Level (Conceptual):Children 12 and up
Reading Level (Vocabulary):Children 12 and up
Year of publication:2007

Okay, I picked this book off the shelf because I thought it was funny to name a book "skin hunger". You can't really judge a book by its name.

The book is not about people eating each other, but two separate story-lines. One is about a girl named Sadima who can hear the thoughts of animals. The other is about a boy named Hahp sent to a gruesome magical academy. The only thing the plots share in common is a man named Somas, who owns Sadima's kind-of boyfriend, and lets Hahp's friends die of starvation.

Not exactly a happy book, (actually pretty gruesome at points), but interesting.

The end is not very satisfying. I guess they're trying to get me to read the next one. But it does discuss what a friend is worth, and how to gain one when desperately needed.

Definitely for readers age 13 and older!!! People starve to death, some suggestive moments.

-- Fizzy, age 14

Other reviews: Skin Hunger (A Resurrection of Magic, Book 1)
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