| Author: | Emily Rodda | Reading Level (Conceptual): | Children 5 and up | Reading Level (Vocabulary): | Children 5 and up | Genre: | fiction | Year of publication: | 1993 | A Quest, gently told; a good chapter book for a young/new reader.
In Questing to the top of the mountain with six fellow villagers to obtain water for his village, Rowan, a frail, young shepherd, gains confidence and courage. | Unlike in other Quests, in this one, the trials that confront the travelers are nearly all resolved through reason, rather than force. For example, Rowan's climactic encounter with the dragon benefits both the boy and the beast.
Another nice touch: Rowan's fellow travelers do their best, but then, when a trial requires more than they can do, they retire for the good of the group, with the good wishes of the group. (Take that, Joe Lieberman!)
--Emily |
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