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Travels with children in the Bay Area

Trip Report: Crissy Field: Radical Raptors, San Francisco

Sunday, March 20, 2005

Crissy Field is one of the most special places in San Francisco and our day learning about Radical Raptors was an experience we recommend to any adult or child interested in the many birds that live in our area. This particular event was billed for "Families with children ages 7 and up". It turned out that, in our group, the ten adults vastly outnumbered the three children. Nevertheless, our guides, Simone Whitecloud and David Lukas, made sure that every participant learned to identify and got to see many raptors and other birds in their natural environments.

Red-shouldered hawk; no, that's not the moon, it's the telescope viewfinder The event started with a short discussion about the kinds of raptors, what they ate, their life cycles, and how to tell them apart. (NB: Simone Whitecloud may have a tatoo representing almost every bird your children might favor; our daughter was impressed by the ones she got to see.)
We then took to our cars and headed off to various locations on the Crissy Field grounds where raptors had recently been spotted. Simone and David had brought their excellent telescopes and patiently raised and lowered the sights to make sure that every member of the group could see the birds. They helped us identify the birds we spotted.

In just a few hours, we saw at least four or five hawks, some hummingbirds, some jays, and numerous others.

Red-shouldered hawk; no, that's not the moon, it's the telescope viewfinder
At one point, we finally tore our eyes away from a hummingbird and a lovely view of Alcatraz and returned to our carAlcatraz, where a dove Simone thought perhaps the dove had escaped from a wedding had taken up residence. Friends of the dove

This is the third event from Crissy Field's extensive series of walks and talks that we've taken and we've thoroughly enjoyed each one. Check them out.

Crissy Field events
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